Original post by Mithrandir Quote:
Original post by tstrimp
Wow, I never knew that unborn fetuses started the invasion of Iraq and exonerated death row inmates. Clearly they are a threat and we should probably abort them all, just to be safe.
Stop being an idiot. The point of my post was that people who are the most vocally pro-life, are also highly in favor of unjust wars like the Iraq war, which destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives.
Ergo, they only care about life before people are born; not after.
Every single time I challenge a "pro-lifer" on their war stance, they justify it by saying they're all terrorists and muslims, and therefore they deserve to die. I guess you could call that viewpoint Pro-"Life", but to act all high and mighty and pretend that abortion is murder, whereas actual murder is not, is the epitome of hypocrisy.
What about the people who claim to respect all life and living things except for humans? Don't eat cows or even eggs, don't make pillows out of feathers or balls out of leather, but aborting a late-term fetus is no problem.
I've seen the same people decrying the inhumanity of eating a poor, unborn calf, rally for the right for women to dispose of unborn humans. Would they call it a travesty if we proposed to eat the leftovers of Planned Parenthood? I think there's some hypocrisy on both sides...
Bottom line: Being against killing unborn babies but for the death of criminals and enemies of the state is not any worse than being against the killing of soldiers for political purposes but being ok with the termination of an unborn fetus. To say one is hypocritical and the other is not is naive.