Original post by Alpha_ProgDes
Let me clarify my position since you're having a hard time understanding. Letting the Internet make decisions on life and death is stupid.
With that said, I didn't know that you could have an abortion at 5 months or even 4 months. Those sonograms clearly depict a human being. In my opinion, to abort that child is wrong. But at 1 month, when just it's a clump of cells, makes it, as you say, a medical procedure. So I'm okay with that.
I think you would be surprised at how developed a fetus is at 1 month. At the BODIES exhibit (which I highly recommend if you can see it), they had a section on pregnancy and fetal growth. They have test tubes with different developments during the first trimester. I was amazed at how quickly life grows. Essentially, at 6 weeks the fetus is a raisin sized human being (head, eyes, fingers, toes, and without that "tadpolish" look).