Quote:What you're talking about sounds like stereotypically bad parenting. Are you sure you've actually witnessed all these things, or are you just basing this on things you've heard? |
I've seen every single one of these in person, save for the parent of a bullied kid being sent to jail for having the audacity to tell the bully to lay off his son, which was a local news story.
Quote:Yes on both accounts. I'm not excusing bad parenting, but after actually having children, I can certainly see why people act the way they do more often. |
Certainly; it probably didn't come across at all, but I do realize that parenting is
hard. It's fully understandable that people aren't able to do it perfectly (especially since you don't get much of a chance to practice beforehand.) Not having control of your kid 100% of the time is quite excusable (indeed, anything else would be creepy) but when someone complains that your six year old kid just caused them a headache and a lingering ringing in their ears, the correct answer is "I'm sorry, I'll try to keep him in line," not "fuck you, don't tell me how to raise my kids." (No, this is not an exaggeration, I've been in exactly this situation.) Quite simply, many people don't get that having kids means they'll have to alter their behavior, instead thinking that everyone around them has to put up with pretty anything.
Quote:Well, not a fascist but a bit immature.
@OP: if you don't want kids then don't make them. No one forces you (except the government, like "childless tax" *sigh*) |
I'm not saying I don't want them, but rather that when I look around I see quite a lot of bad parents; I'm rather afraid I'll turn into something like them when the time comes.
Quote:Original post by superpig Are you a fascist, Valderman? It sounds like you'd treat your kids as if you were one. |
Yes, not overprotecting kids and being respectful to others was what Mussolini was best at. I don't really get what point you're targeting here; is it fascist to think that ignoring your kids because you're reading/texting/on the phone/whatever is a bad idea? Is it fascist to think that parents ought to teach their kids about right and wrong rather than teaching them that they can do whatever they want, including bullying, and anyone who says otherwise is a jackass? Is it fascist to point out that being in the same room as a toaster is more dangerous than trick or treating?