Quote: Original post by KulSeranQuote: Original post by phresnelQuote: Original post by KulSeranQuote:
How come when some people post on forums, they press enter when the text reaches the edge
of the editing box? It's actually quite common, for what seems like a behaviour associated
with the mechanical typewriter.
I actually find it a lot easier to read a block
of text that stays within a particular field of view.
Having a 16:9 widescreen, the default wordwrap makes
people's text stupid long. On the OTHER hand, I could
(and often do) just shrink the browser window to make
the text a readable block size. I know I used to do that
a lot in these forums. That is until I got lazy, and
decided to mostly stop.
To each their own i guess?
(ok, so I got a little carried away with the newlines!)
(about 4-5 words wider than your latin quote is about the right width i think. And that is less than 1/3 of my
monitor width.)Though the problem with your blockof text is that each line has adifferent width, i.e. it isn't injustified setting, i.e. horrible to look at. There's also a style-sheet for that, but nothing beatsLaTeX-setting, btw.You can leetily circumvent thisby using code-tags. Oh, and btw,some 70 letters or so per line are claimed to be ideal for nice reading.
Wow. Phresnel thanks for showingme the light. Seems I have a newgoal for all my further posts.
Still reads like the text is struggling mightily to pimp walk.
I also had that double spacing thing after periods drilled into me. Might be a generational thing. oh and i grew up and got my schoolings in the U.S.
@oberon - I think i type at 60 wpm with a 10% accuracy.