Quote:Uhm. Tell me you're joking. You're joking, right? I thought that idiotic two space rule was a holdover from typewriters, before people invented computerized typesetting systems that can correctly position a period-space pair. Surely people aren't still using that absurd (and completely wrong looking) double-space in production?
Original post by sunandshadow
Publishers expect two spaces after periods, it makes printed text easier to read. They will tell you you're doing it wrong if you send them a manuscript with single spaces between sentences.
Besides, last I checked publishers take most of their manuscripts as badly typed Word documents and have to do a complete reformat and relayout. At least the publishing companies I know, the authors involved are nowhere near competent enough to follow any rules at all. But they're university professors.
[Edited by - Promit on May 25, 2010 11:34:34 PM]