
Big problem in tile engine

Started by December 14, 1999 05:24 AM
1 comment, last by Zombie 25 years ago
I think that you might have to explain exactly what this code is meant to do.

I had a look at it but really couldn't make heads nor tails of when actions it was ment to perform.

Just explain when each function does and what called it.

[This message has been edited by Gromit (edited December 13, 1999).]

William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

I changed David Brebner's (thanks David) tile-based VB example so that it now works in my
game too. But. Could someone say what's the problem when this happens:
When I blit tiles to screen with this code, it doesn't work well. Look at the "picture":

....@..... this is 100*100 tile map, shrinked "@" is tile 2, and "." is tile 1
...@...... when I draw a tile to 50,0 , look what happens.
..@....... The code draws same tile to 40,10 , 30, 20 and so on... of course it
.@........ happens to every tile.

here is the code I use. If the problem isn't here, I can post more code if you need

Public map(100, 100)Public NumOfRows As IntegerNumOfRows = 16'this opens the map to map editorOpen App.Path & "\map.dat" For Random As #1        For xx% = 0 To 100            For yy% = 0 To 100                Get #1, 1 + yy% + xx% * 14, map(xx%, yy%)            Next        NextClose'these two Longs get tile from miniature pic of tiles (real size of tiles are 64*60)Sub drawpens()    u& = BitBlt(hDC, 20, 30, 32, 30, Picture2.hDC, (pen(0) \ NumOfRows) * 32, (pen(0)Mod NumOfRows) * 30, SRCCOPY)    u& = BitBlt(hDC, 120, 30, 32, 30, Picture2.hDC, (pen(1) \ NumOfRows) * 32, (pen(1) Mod NumOfRows) * 30, SRCCOPY)End SubPrivate Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)'this saves the map when quitting map editorOpen App.Path & "\map.dat" For Random As #1    For xx% = 0 To 100        For yy% = 0 To 100            Put #1, 1 + yy% + xx% * 15, map(xx%, yy%)        Next    NextCloseEnd Sub'this procedure blits tiles to picture boxPrivate Sub Picture1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)On Error Resume NextIf dwn% Then    xx% = X \ 32    yy% = Y \ 30    If Button = 1 Then map(xx% + HScroll1.Value, yy% + VScroll1.Value) = pen(0) Else map(xx% + HScroll1.Value, yy% + VScroll1.Value) = pen(1)    u& = BitBlt(Picture1.hDC, xx% * 32, yy% * 30, 32, 30, Picture2.hDC, (map(xx% + HScroll1.Value, yy% + VScroll1.Value) \ NumOfRows) * 32, (map(xx% + HScroll1.Value, yy% + VScroll1.Value) Mod NumOfRows) * 30, SRCCOPY)End IfEnd Sub'now the game starts    Open App.Path & "\map.dat" For Random As #1        For xxM = 0 To 100            For yyM = 0 To 100                Get #1, 1 + yyM + xxM * 14, map(xxM, yyM)            Next        Next    Close

It was supposed to be a scroll engine ,but i fixed the problem. Thanks anyway.

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