

Started by November 02, 1999 11:46 PM
5 comments, last by The^gnome 25 years, 4 months ago
nobody said you had to use diamond shaped tiles.

ps, its not a waste of space if you use RLEs.

Get off my lawn!

You weak, pathetic fool....

Think how shitty the graphics are going to look if you did it that way.

wow. that's a little harsh, dont you think?

Get off my lawn!

I personally used diamond shaped tiles in the past, but I'm considering square tiles with isometrically drawn buildings and sprites just because they're easier to display.

But, if there is a wall that borders the edge of a diamond shaped tile, it has to be drawn crossing the square tiles diagonally, with that in mind, doesn't that make collision detection harder?

With diamond shaped tiles you simply say that the tile cannot be entered from that direction, but with squares, a sprite should be able to enter half of the square.

[This message has been edited by cdj5 (edited October 27, 1999).]

I had decided not to post further replies in this diamond/square discussion, but anywayz:

Who says your collision map has to be square, just because you are using square tiles? Mine is not.

This pretty much brings me back to what I've been saying 117 times already (No offence intended, but I still don't get the diamond shape): What the player sees and how you render it does not have to be related at all, so why not go for what's easier/faster to draw? (Which IS square tiles, in case you missed it )


maybe its just me, but I still don't get diamod tiles... you can have a square tile:

1 2
2 1

(thats not really square lookign but ohwell)
and display them as a diamond like this:

1 1
2 2
3 3
2 2
1 1

why would we even bother writing tiles in the shape of diamonds anyways? its just a waste of space.

let me know if im wrong tho

Thats right im a gnome

Thats right im a gnome
ignore this topic..
i acidentally posted to the wrong area :|

and to dragun:
the original post makes no sense unless you get the one that was supposed to be right after it, which i didnt post in this area...
either you didnt see that one, or you just enjoy insulting people in which case :P to you

Thats right im a gnome

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