
Please Try my Game

Started by June 29, 2001 03:30 AM
48 comments, last by CPlasmaGuns 23 years, 7 months ago
I'd like to point out that downloading a big demo of some popular game doesn't rule out the possiblity of your system getting messed up. Who was it whose installer wiped out all data in the same directory it was installed in? (which caused problems with entire hard drive being wiped out if by accident u installed it to root). Very obscure thing, not noticed by QA, potentially destructive.

And Startopia, there's a game worthy of being labelled a virus if there ever was one. I download the lovely demo. Game unpacks over a thousand files (no exagerration). I run it and go to graphics settings and switch to 1024x768. Instantly I get a blue screen of death, IN WINDOWS 2000. Yes, Win2K does have a blue screen, and yes it is more attractive than the Win98 one but also much more serious. For the first time in ages, I reboot Win2k because of a crash. Okay no biggie, game sucks, let's move on. Win2k scan disk thing runs. Finds a bunch of errors but mercifully no bad sectors (well it didn't do a full surface scan so I guess I won't know for sure till I do). I try running the game again to find it would no longer let me create a new player, and the old player I created wasn't show up. In other words the game self-destructed and corrupted the hell out of itself after the crash. This is something that checking the error codes returned by DirectX or OpenGL would have prevented. Oh and there was no uninstaller either, seems that would have been too complex a thing for MuckyFoot. (btw the crash turned out to be a problem Startopia was having with all GeForce based cards running recent drivers, a problem no other game has afaik. So I wasn't just some odd guy with an odd system).

I'm sure if I tried I could remember many more instances of commercial games having a system for lunch. Take nothing for granted on the basis that the game can be found on store shelves. There is a tremendous amount of crap out there.

Resist Windows XP's Invasive Production Activation Technology!

Edited by - LordElectro on July 13, 2001 2:36:12 PM
BetaShare - Run Your Beta Right!
God *&^#% damn Psylocybe, your fowel language burned out some pixels in my monitor! I have the 23" Trinitron/Flatscreen! It''s all your fauld man, i gotta buy a new monitor now! The bill is in the mail.
um, jat, err, bloodat is very right. check out this thread on the BCD forum, it is quite identical (if not the exact same) to what Psylocybe 1st post was. please take a look.''

notice the topic title...

Hiyah! I''m Cplasmaguns partner in crime! How dare you insult my graphics. Those graphics fed, clothed, and sent four children to college from a small suburban town I have chosen to forget the name of at present. You will all pay dearly for this. HA HA HAG! Oh wait I mean Ha! Just like pyslocybe you will all bow before the superior might of 320x200 resolution (which by the way wasn''t even my idea!). OK I think I''m done tormenting you with vague and unreasonable threats. I''m sorry, I love you guys! I love toast! And I love incoherent babble! That''s three thing I love that I can find strewn about any hotel dumpster. Ohh wait.
MMMMMM.... toast.... *droool*
Sweet game! Loved it. Really gives me motivation to continue on my own game(s). I loved the effects and the old arcade style. The graphics didn''t bother me. Really great! Good luck!


"If it doesn''t fit, force it; if it breaks, it needed replacement anyway."
"To some its a six-pack, to me it's a support group."
I think we should ignore Psylocybe, as an EXACT same post was posted on another gamedevelopers forum. Does you enjoy saying stuff like that or something? Stop trying to make people think that their games screw peoples machines up. It''s not nice.
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
he is right ^^

go here for proof:
Damn it, Psylo. That''s low...

No game will ever rule more than CBT!
---Mikael Lax
What the hell you talking about me posting an identical message?????? You guys think I''m screwing with you??? LET ME MAKE MYSELF CLEAR, THAT GAME HAS A BUG IN IT. END OF STORY. This is my last post I''m getting a bit tired of this silly discussion. I know what I know and having a group of people tell me what is actually go on when in all actuality they haven''t the slighest clue and think it is much easier to blame a computer than the code.

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