
Anyone know why .....

Started by December 29, 1999 07:28 PM
1 comment, last by frizb 25 years, 2 months ago
Probably because the sprite was drawn or rendered with anti-aliasing on, so you have colors that are close to the transparent colors around the edges, but they arent exactly the color. So you have an edge.

Easiest way to handle this is to turn of anti-aliasing when you get things rendered. If you cant do this, then you may have to look into blending the edges of your sprites with their backgrounds (or smoothing them).


Anyone know why there is an outline of my colorkey color around my sprite when I bltfast? It doesn't seem to matter what color I set it to. If my color is RGB(0,0,0) my sprite is outlined in black. Other than that, no problems Also, if anyone has any good suggestions on how to implement a sprite using "ammo" I'd be real interested.

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Still Learning...
Cool. I know it was on in Poser. I'll check Paintshop Pro and see if its on there. Thanks a bunch, friz

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