DirectX under VB, help
Call objDD.SetCooperativeLevel (Me.hwnd, DDSCL_NORMAL) i don't think the "Call" matters, but do braces help?
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Call proc(x,y)
is the same as:
proc x, y
And I thought it might be something to do with the fullscreen thing, but I tried modifying the tutorial and taking out that parameter and it still runs without error, although no output is created. But I just tried your suggestion and it worked. WTH? Why doesn't it mess up the tutorial? Oh well.
2. Exclusive is only for fullscreen mode I believe.
Set DD = DX.DirectDrawCreate("")
DD.SetCooperativeLevel formX.hWnd,_
DD.SetDisplayMode 1024, 768, 24, 0,_
It highlights setco-op and says invalid argument. formX is the one and only form there, but I can't use Me.hWnd because I'm in a module. This is how the tutorial does it- and that seems to run. Thanks for any help, I'm using VB5 and DX 7 (of course).