
DirectX help files - stupid/messed

Started by October 27, 1999 08:47 PM
2 comments, last by LackOfKnack 25 years, 2 months ago
This is probably more my fault, but what's wrong with the following (since I have no tutorial to see):

diMouse.SetCooperativeLevel formX.hWnd,_ DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE Or DISCL_FOREGROUND
diMouse.SetCommonDataFormat DIFORMAT_MOUSE
diMouse.GetDeviceStateMouse (diMouseInfo)
It highlights this and says type mismatch, yet I have declared it right. This also happens with DirectDraw and DDSURFACEDESC2. Any thoughts?





Christianity, Creation, metric, Dvorak, and BeOS for all!
Go to one of the topics it won't let you view, then click the blue L at the top left. It will bring up a menu which lets you change to VB help.


For some reason, I just installed the DX7SDK and when I go to VB and put the cursor over a DirectX keyword and press F1 it tells me the help files is corrupt. I have VB5. Now the really dumb part is that I can open the help file manually, but it thinks I'm on C++ and so it won't let me into any of the VB tutorial sections because it says "this is only for VB users", yet it lets me into the VB reference section. This pisses me off, because I can't use the Word version either because take a look at this so-called "VB" code sample:

[Visual Basic]
The following example shows how to prepare the DDSURFACEDESC2 type members relevant for creating the primary surface.

// Tell DirectDraw which members are valid.
ddsd.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS;

// Request a primary surface.

Look at that great VB. And don't forget this great paragraph:

One of the most useful complex surfaces you can create is a Error! Bookmark not defined.. Usually, a flipping chain is made of a Error! Bookmark not defined. and one or more Error! Bookmark not defined.. The DDSCAPS_FLIP flag indicates that a surface is part of a flipping chain. Creating a flipping chain this way requires that you also include the DDSCAPS_COMPLEX flag.

I don't trust that anymore... If the mutts at MS had taken a second to even copy their code into a VB compiler they would've found the majorly obvious syntax errors. Grr. Anyhow, anyone have a solution of some sort?




Christianity, Creation, metric, Dvorak, and BeOS for all!
GRR@$%@!$ sonofa... thanks. It worked the second time, the first time I did it and my computer froze. Evil.

Thanks for the help- this is great now. Much appreciated.



Christianity, Creation, metric, Dvorak, and BeOS for all!

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