The Ideal Fighting Game
Oni is not a FPS, it''s a 3rd person action game (NO FIRST PERSON WHAT SO EVER). Oni is a combination of a fighting game, and a 3rd person action game. I think Oni is pretty cool though (the fighting aspect, at least) it feels a lot like oldschool sidescrolling beat ''em ups (like Double Dragon or Final Fight.) Although a control pad works fine for a fighting game, in a FPF (first person fighter) I think the mouse\keyboard combo would still be the best (even though the usual shortage of buttons on your average mouse could be a problem). Anyone have any ideas on how the mechanics of a game like this would work?
Going in inverse order...
TheEnderBean: You can delete posts, as I understand it, so if you accidentally doubly post, just click to edit that post and you can wipe it out entirely...
About the First Person Fighting Game: I have, in the past, had a lot of thoughts about making a FPFG, and while it''s something I may like to do in the future, that''s not what this project is intended to be. One thing I''d like for my game to support is multiple people playing at the same computer via multiple game controllers, making it into a sort of makeshift console system, and that would be pretty much impossible if you didn''t have a 3rd person, omniscient camera...Also, computers generally only have one mouse; who would get the mouse? If there is only one person playing at that computer during a game, I''ll probably let 3rd person behind-the-back be an optional camera view, though...A lot of battle will be auto-aim (where fighters face each other by default) so you wouldn''t really need a mouse with which to aim...
Smitty1276: That''s an interesting idea...I haven''t decided officially on the story for the game (I''m focusing more on the engine and gameplay style than on story, and I don''t think that''s a bad thing at all for this kind of game) and if it''s got a story revolving around arenas with crowds, then I''ll definitely do that...But I''m not sure though, I''ve got a cool background that''s sort of out at sea with a purple sky and an awesome looking sunset that I''m thinking I''ll put at an arena that''s a tall, stone tower...Good for a big, intimidating, final boss bout...And I''m thinking I want the story to be more character conflict driven as opposed to having them pushed together into a tournament... *shrugs* I could certainly put tournament modes in there though, and maybe arenas that come complete with crowds like that...though that wasn''t really what I''d been heading for originally.
SanTec: Excellent idea, and actually I''d been planning to have left and right arm and left and right leg buttons...At least for attacking. I don''t think a head button would be used enough, though...Having these buttons cause a reaction appropriate to what''s nearby would be tricky, but the results would be awesome - I definitely like the idea of being able to kick off walls. Also, That run-up-the-wall-to-flip-over-the-guy-behind-you thing would be very impressive, one could even slow down the camera when that sort of move is done and zoom in...
As for Oni, I haven''t played it, but I will definitely look into it - it sounds awesome. I''ve seen a few John Woo movies, and loved ''em, though I haven''t seen the ones you mentioned - sounds like it''s time to take a trip to my local movie rental place! And Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, that too I need to see...Is it out on VHS yet? I haven''t gotten a DVD player yet.
I know, I''m behind on the times...Oh well.
Also, in addition to any further thoughts on Fighting Games, what do you think is a good format for the arenas? I want support for fairly open areas, I don''t need anything too detailed, sloped planes and textures...Hmm...BSPs would probably be more trouble than they''re worth, for this sort of project anyway...
A few questions: What are people''s views on AI relating to fighting games, bosses, and things like mirror matches? One thing I plan to do is take a lot of features I''ve liked from various games and work them in...What are some features I should be sure not to forget? What are people''s views on taunts? What''s everyone''s favorite fighting game, or type of fighting game, and why? Let''s make this into a regular poll...
As always, please do mention any thoughts you have on what makes for the ideal fighting game...Thank you! So far, this is proving to be a very interesting read.
- Bucket_Head
- Hai, watashi no chichi no kuruma ga oishikatta desu!
...or, in other words, "Yes, my dad''s car was deliscious!"
TheEnderBean: You can delete posts, as I understand it, so if you accidentally doubly post, just click to edit that post and you can wipe it out entirely...
About the First Person Fighting Game: I have, in the past, had a lot of thoughts about making a FPFG, and while it''s something I may like to do in the future, that''s not what this project is intended to be. One thing I''d like for my game to support is multiple people playing at the same computer via multiple game controllers, making it into a sort of makeshift console system, and that would be pretty much impossible if you didn''t have a 3rd person, omniscient camera...Also, computers generally only have one mouse; who would get the mouse? If there is only one person playing at that computer during a game, I''ll probably let 3rd person behind-the-back be an optional camera view, though...A lot of battle will be auto-aim (where fighters face each other by default) so you wouldn''t really need a mouse with which to aim...
Smitty1276: That''s an interesting idea...I haven''t decided officially on the story for the game (I''m focusing more on the engine and gameplay style than on story, and I don''t think that''s a bad thing at all for this kind of game) and if it''s got a story revolving around arenas with crowds, then I''ll definitely do that...But I''m not sure though, I''ve got a cool background that''s sort of out at sea with a purple sky and an awesome looking sunset that I''m thinking I''ll put at an arena that''s a tall, stone tower...Good for a big, intimidating, final boss bout...And I''m thinking I want the story to be more character conflict driven as opposed to having them pushed together into a tournament... *shrugs* I could certainly put tournament modes in there though, and maybe arenas that come complete with crowds like that...though that wasn''t really what I''d been heading for originally.
SanTec: Excellent idea, and actually I''d been planning to have left and right arm and left and right leg buttons...At least for attacking. I don''t think a head button would be used enough, though...Having these buttons cause a reaction appropriate to what''s nearby would be tricky, but the results would be awesome - I definitely like the idea of being able to kick off walls. Also, That run-up-the-wall-to-flip-over-the-guy-behind-you thing would be very impressive, one could even slow down the camera when that sort of move is done and zoom in...
As for Oni, I haven''t played it, but I will definitely look into it - it sounds awesome. I''ve seen a few John Woo movies, and loved ''em, though I haven''t seen the ones you mentioned - sounds like it''s time to take a trip to my local movie rental place! And Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, that too I need to see...Is it out on VHS yet? I haven''t gotten a DVD player yet.

Also, in addition to any further thoughts on Fighting Games, what do you think is a good format for the arenas? I want support for fairly open areas, I don''t need anything too detailed, sloped planes and textures...Hmm...BSPs would probably be more trouble than they''re worth, for this sort of project anyway...
A few questions: What are people''s views on AI relating to fighting games, bosses, and things like mirror matches? One thing I plan to do is take a lot of features I''ve liked from various games and work them in...What are some features I should be sure not to forget? What are people''s views on taunts? What''s everyone''s favorite fighting game, or type of fighting game, and why? Let''s make this into a regular poll...
As always, please do mention any thoughts you have on what makes for the ideal fighting game...Thank you! So far, this is proving to be a very interesting read.

- Bucket_Head
- Hai, watashi no chichi no kuruma ga oishikatta desu!
...or, in other words, "Yes, my dad''s car was deliscious!"
- Hai, watashi no chichi no kuruma ga oishikatta desu!...or, in other words, "Yes, my dad's car was delicious!"
About the mouse and multiple controllers, Croteam has split screen in Serious Sam and posted a while ago that they have code to poll multiple mice. I have no idea how to do it, but it is something you could look into.
I have Oni. It''s a very cool game. Although they do have some really cool weapons, (the one that shoots frozen murcery is just plain awsome) I rarely use any of them. In fact, at the start of each level, you don''t have any weapons and must instead take them from the bad guys.
For those of you that like "save spots", Oni implements that horrable idea. Oni automatically saves the game when you first enter certain areas. Makes it real annoying when these spots are few and far between.
For those of you that like "save spots", Oni implements that horrable idea. Oni automatically saves the game when you first enter certain areas. Makes it real annoying when these spots are few and far between.
E:cb woof!
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