
backbuffer flip problem

Started by September 30, 1999 05:28 AM
0 comments, last by 25 years, 5 months ago
I am working on a basic directX 5.0 game skeleton. The DirectDraw portion is done, except for one problem: I Blt to the back surface from an offscreen surfacee, then flip the primary and back. This is basic programming. But for some reason it's not working. The screen flickers when I draw to the back buffer and do a Flip. How do I eliminate this flicker?
Unless your graphics card is screwed, my guess is that you are in fact blitting to the wrong buffer.

(A quick check would be to simply revert your pointers and see what happens)

Anyway, there's no particular trick to avoid flickering (except double bufffering, which is what flip() is all about).



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