DirectX 7
Look at this article from Microsoft and this article on Gamespot. They cover pretty much everything.
Let's just remove this for now :<)
[This message has been edited by Myopic Rhino (edited August 18, 1999).]
Admin for
What does this mean now for the alpha-blending (I am not familiar with D3D) ?
August 17, 1999 06:16 PM
thanks for the info, although it wasn't what i hoped for , i was hoping to hear that DirectDrawSurface7::Blt would support alphablending through the HAL/HEL...
I noticed that the articles failed to mention much about DirectDraw, and from that and what Kevin said, it looks like they yet again fail to meet their promise of supporting alpha blending. Since people have been asking for it for so long, it seems like they would mention it if it were there.
No alpha blending support? Well that sucks. I'm REALLY tired of having to do it in software...toooo sloooow....
August 18, 1999 01:34 PM
I beleive that Microsoft plans to merge DirectDraw and Direct 3D, and actually the most logical thing to do...
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