Original post by dpadam450
Wether it goes in game or not, I made something and wanted peoples opinions. I just wanted to work on artwork to see what I can do.
I know most detail comes from the texture, but we arent doing a traditional RTS game where your units are 50x50 pixels. Is really pretty up-close and small groups.
Think of a programming equivalent to what you are doing with art and you'll understand where I'm coming from. You are asking for opinions on something that is admittedly and inherently and unavoidably of a lower quality as you do not have the experience, and you are asking for suggestions that you do not have the skills yet to implement. If you want to learn to model, learn correctly. If you want to model for the hell of it or just to get some placeholder art, stop wasting your time and ours critiquing. There's no in between. Either you want to learn to make art, or you don't. If you want to make art, start by modelling props, go through tutorials, etc. If you don't, then there's no point asking us what we think of your misplaced attempt.
As far as textures go, efficiency is something that transcends generation and specifications. I've worked on 100 polygon models, and 10,000 polygon models. As a programmer, you should have a head up in the efficiency department (if not the topology department), you should understand the uselessness of modelling small details that take up only a few pixels worth of screenspace. The point is not that you shouldn't model corrugated tubes, the point is that you shouldn't model corrugated tubes when the rest of your model needs those extra polygons much more.