
RTS infantry

Started by March 23, 2007 06:56 PM
11 comments, last by dpadam450 17 years, 10 months ago
Just wondering what you think. I'm the lead programmer but I decided to model a bit. Hopefully I can pimp out a texture, not sure if I can pull that off. The game is a sci-fi RTS game set in a near future.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

that model is way too high poly for an rts game, ignoring that, it looks like you have some smoothing group problems.
-------------------------Only a fool claims himself an expert
Yea I'm not sure how to smooth it out without subdiving the hell out of the other polygons.

The polycount is fine though. We aren't planning on having 9 million units on screen, but if we do, then we will have a really low poly version.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

Not sure what went wrong. Can we see an unsmooth wire?

Also, it's not too high poly. If every detail in the drawing was modeled, it would be, but I doubt you'll do that. What you have now is fine.
As you can see the circled parts dont actual connect to the whole model. Any easy way to fix that? I really dont want to subdive the torso since its pretty much one big quad where it meats the arm.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

That's the problem. That program should have a cut tool, not sure what program it is though. Basically, cut the shape of the leg into the torso(same for other parts) and then just weld them together.
You can save alot of polygons at the tube areas at the neck, and the balls at the side. No need to have them so detailed. Most of the detail comes through the texture. You have detail in the wrong places, the model isn't efficient in that sense, and it won't deform correctly.

Its not bad for programmer art, but if you intend to actually turn this into a real hobby or indie game, stick to programming and let artists stick to art.

If you are just getting into art, why would you model characters? If I started programming, I wouldn't begin with a 3D MMO, would I? Characters are the most difficult area of art, even those with polycounts in the range of 1000-1400 (its funny that an RTS uses now what the PS2 was using for main characters).

If you want to model to make art, then learn correctly. If you want to model to simply get something ingame, then there's no point in asking for feedback.
lol, a little harsh but true professor420. and dp, when i said smoothing groups i meant smoothign groups, not mesh smooth or subding. smoothign groups is the way game models look smooth with just a few polys to make the silhouette. it will take two polys and make the transition from one to toher other smoother, so that the individual polys are not quite visible.
in most apps cylinders automatically have smoothign groups applied, and it seems yours are having some problems, probably over stretched, and causing unwanted shading along some of the edges. that is all i meant.
and professor is right, looking at the wire frame shot i don't expect it to deform correctly from the current poly flow and edgeloop structure. and he is also right about putting the detail in the wrong places, don't make individual segments for the breathing tubes on eahc side, use a normal map for that detail and simply use a 3-4 sided cylinder.

[Edited by - Jarrod1937 on March 23, 2007 9:35:10 PM]
-------------------------Only a fool claims himself an expert
If you want to model to simply get something ingame, then there's no point in asking for feedback.

Wether it goes in game or not, I made something and wanted peoples opinions. I just wanted to work on artwork to see what I can do.

I know most detail comes from the texture, but we arent doing a traditional RTS game where your units are 50x50 pixels. Is really pretty up-close and small groups.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

Original post by dpadam450
If you want to model to simply get something ingame, then there's no point in asking for feedback.

Wether it goes in game or not, I made something and wanted peoples opinions. I just wanted to work on artwork to see what I can do.

I know most detail comes from the texture, but we arent doing a traditional RTS game where your units are 50x50 pixels. Is really pretty up-close and small groups.

the detail in the texture goes for nearly all game art, not just rts models. the next-gen (now current gen) game era is heavily shader based. the detail in most models comes from the diffuse and normal map, and soem from ao (ambient occlusion) and specular maps too i suppose. don't model what you cna easily do just as well with a normal map or paint into the diffuse texture.
-------------------------Only a fool claims himself an expert

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