
Newbies Wanted for Project

Started by March 26, 2001 04:37 PM
7 comments, last by locutus 23 years, 5 months ago
Hello, I am currently developing a revolutionary style of game. I am an experienced programmer, graphic artist, 3d artist, and musician. I need aprentices, you may say, to assist me on my current project. This is the perfect first time opportunity for those of you who want to start making games, but have no where to begin. I will tutor you in all you need to know to make what you need to make. Do you want to be a part of the creation of the next big thing? Sign up by emailing me at Screenshots of the engine can be seen here: (even though it looks like a FPS, trust me, it will be above and beyond any genre)
Im a newbie. I was just wonder how new do you want these people to be? I am new to programming and 3d, I''m so new that i dont really know termonology and I dont know what I am capable of. But I really want to begin to make a game, and since you said you will tutor I will gladly want to parcipitate.

By the way if you want to know my age I am only 15 so if thats a factor I willing to take it.
I''m sorry, but I decided to make my own 2d rpg. I want to make my own project so i can better my skills. Sorry for inconviencing you.
I will be willing to be tutored if you are willing to teach. I know quite a bit of quick basic and a little of C++ and C. If you are willing to tutor me email me at
Sure, I am VERY new to this, and I am somewhat interested.. drop me a line:

wtf should I put here??
wtf should I put here??
Yes how much experience are you looking for? I have experience in C/C++ some Visual Basic, SQL and HTML
email me if interested

"There is humor in everything depending on which prespective you look from."

Edited by - chronoslade on April 2, 2001 9:01:44 AM
"There is humor in everything depending on which prespective you look from."
Is this serious?? Are you actually offering to tutor newbies? If so I''d love to be a part of your team.

I''m not a total newbie though, I''m an engineer of computer science (nice title? :-) including some education in c/c+, AI, and gfx prog. I''ve played around with OGL, and some DX8, but would really love to get some help on developing a bigger system/engine.

If you think I''d be useable, mail me @:

yes i am new, and whould like to know how to do this
drop me a line
all your base are belongs to us!
This sounds very interesting. I am a newbie and I have always wanted to make a game. I am trying to teach myself, but it seems to be just one frustration after another.
I have experience in C++ and some C, I am teaching myself DirectX.
E-mail me at

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