

Started by February 24, 2007 06:58 PM
433 comments, last by sirGustav 17 years ago
Quote: Original post by Oberon_Command

Ponies, indeed.
Mmmm, accountants.

Also, It's got explosions, which I love. And crystals, which are the easiest used element in games since rings. This has got to count for something :)

Ponies? Bleh.
Yeh.... these don't really grab me. Maybe next year. this should result in some interesting games. I'm curious what you guys come up with.

Good luck guys!

[Edited by - stenny on September 27, 2007 10:20:44 AM]
What do I expect? A young man's quest to defeat an evil sorceror while discovering the truth of his origins. A plucky youngster attended by her brutish guardian. A powerful artifact which has been broken into a small number of artifactlets distributed around the world.What do I want? Fewer damn cliches. - Sneftel
They do seem a bit... random. "Accountants" is a little bizarre, and horses are a right devil to animate.

Strangely though I did have a game idea ages ago about a sidescroller starring a Swiss accountant, which could easily have crystals, explosions and maybe ponies as well. It's probably not appropriate for the competition, however; he never got around to much accounting [grin].
Oooh boy! This should be interesting...

How litteral do these things have to be? For example, if I have a vehicle that plays a very prominant vehicle in my game called a Pony, could that work?
I'm in. I'm thinking a Joe Cartoon-esque "ponies and accountants in an exploding crystal food processor" motif.
Now you're thinking with ponies!

And I REALLY need to find an artist now. Maybe I can get a little girl to draw ponies for me...
Interesting. Crystals is cool, explosions should make for some fun stuff, but I have no idea how to even start making a game that includes ponies or accountants that isn't horribly contrived.

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