
To freeware developers..

Started by March 07, 2001 03:08 AM
5 comments, last by Claymore 23 years, 10 months ago
The size of a quality modules has always been a problem but in spite of that I haven''t seen anyone using modules with mp3 compressed samples. I think it''s lack of information so.. A BASS programm with all documentation can be downloaded from It can play xm,it,wav,mp3.. AND mo3. It''s not any special format, all xms,its or mod files can be converted into mo3 with the programm. So a 2MB tracker module with CD quality samples shrinks into about 0.3MB file. It''s free for noncommercial use, of course. Here is a tip for tracker musicians who want to get maximum compression. (no loop problems)
And this comes with a GPL IO library?
Tara Milana - WP Entertainment graphics artist and programmer.
I''m a musician, not any damned programmer. GPL = general public license but I really don''t have a clue what is IO. I only know that many free demoscene groups use bass.dll and it rocks as hell. C/C++, Visual Basic and Delphi BASS APIs are provided.. you are the programmers, you know better than I what I''m talking about :DD (Could anyone tell me what API exactly means? A=application I=interface but what is P?)
API= Application Programming Interface
Also, IO probably is refering to Input/Output, though I normally write it as I/O or i/o .

"Finger to spiritual emptiness underlying everything." -- How a C manual referred to a "pointer to void." --Things People Said
Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!
Thanks people.

When you write music, first lesson you learn about is your
target audiance. In this case posting to a game
development list, you should expect amoung your responses
to be questions about how to make use of your music.

I happen to be a graphics artist, graphics programmer,
and a musician so I''m aware of the intersections
of each of these worlds.

You need to understand that the first question in any
programmer''s mind when they want to use your material
is "how do I load and play this?".

The answer (having created a number of file formats
myself) is to first document the technical side of your
medium, if you don''t know about its technical
aspects then reffer to a document that does explain it.

Last but not least, every file format must, er should...
no wait, must, wait... ABSOLUTLY MUST HAVE an API
IO library which can load the file data from file into
memory that the game can make use of.

If you do all of the above, then programmers will be
raping your music archives in no time!

Tara Milana - WP Entertainment graphics artist and programmer.

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