
Online Multiplayer Black Jack card game

Started by September 21, 2006 06:02 PM
1 comment, last by SkeletorSKS 18 years, 5 months ago
Hi, My goal is to make a CCG (collectible card game), However, I wanted to start off with the basics, a simple card game known as BlackJack. So in an effort to learn as much as I can about card game programming I created an online version of BlackJack. I first started off programming a single player version of blackjack in DarkBasic Pro which can be found Then as the single player version became more complete I decided that I learned enough and needed to learn about the multiplayer aspects of programming. Only a week or so later I finished the online version which isnt as complete as the single player but works using an IP address to connect. ATM the Online version doesnt have betting/scoring... Im unsure how it should work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Oh and here are 2 screen shots of the single player version edit: How/Can I enable HTML so I can make the links clickable? [Edited by - SkeletorSKS on September 21, 2006 8:07:50 PM]
To make the links clickable, just use regular HTML A tags.
Try this: <a href="">Best. Site. Evar!</a>

Try this: Best. Site. Evar!

Regarding the networked version of black-jack, there are some questions about what should happen if the user drops out while in the middle of a hand. I think the best result would be for the user to stay in the hand, but just pass on any call, and then win/forfeit based on that hand. This ensures that users don't try to disconnect just because they get a poor hand.

Also, for casual play, you might give a user 1,000 "points" with which to bet when they connect, each time (so you always start out at 1,000), but for betting to mean much, you want to have an account system, where players sign into accounts which carry a score forward, and a high-score system and some rewards for players who come back to keep players from registering new accounts all the time.

Oh, and don't consider playing for real money. That's a very scary thing to build, both from a technical point of view (think of all the things that could go wrong or be attacked!) and a legal point of view (where do you live; where do the servers live; where do you advertize; ...)
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
Was anyone able to test out my game? If so did you get any errors or did it run fine?

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