- Splat
Internet Update feature for your game
Id like to see the code too. If you can email me a copy at ghowland@lupinegames.com thatd be great.
That sounds like a good idea, if you could please send me a copy at: servo@dtx.net
Michael Davis
Michael Davis
why dont you just put it up on a page somewhere so everyone can d/l it?
Yeah, copy it to a page, because I would be interested in it too
Hi there, I often make cool little bits and pieces to put in people's games and/or programs. If anybody is interested, I can send you a library and header for my Internet Update feature - checks for a new version, downloads if you want it to, and runs an update program!
You want code? You got code!
To use it though, you'd need to change the directories. As i've just pasted this, I havent edited it - so it's got "voyce" all over it.
Just ignore it, its just from my voice recognition program.
Oh yeah, and make sure there's a variable hMainInstance that contains the hInstance passed to WinMain!.
It uses MFC classes, however I use it on my win32 progs too.
To use it though, you'd need to change the directories. As i've just pasted this, I havent edited it - so it's got "voyce" all over it.
Just ignore it, its just from my voice recognition program.
Oh yeah, and make sure there's a variable hMainInstance that contains the hInstance passed to WinMain!.
It uses MFC classes, however I use it on my win32 progs too.
code://// Internet Update Code - Voyce//#include "stdafx.h" // Pre-compiled header#include // WinInet#include // Standard input/output#include // Misc char support#include // Maths#include // Shell API#include "licence.lic" // Licence#include "resource.h" // Resource header/////////extern HINSTANCE hMainInstance;/////////int VoyceMessageBox(HWND hWnd, LPSTR lpszText, LPSTR lpszCaption, DWORD dwFlags){ MSGBOXPARAMS mbp; mbp.cbSize = sizeof(mbp); mbp.hwndOwner=hWnd; mbp.hInstance=hMainInstance; mbp.lpszText = lpszText; mbp.lpszCaption = lpszCaption; mbp.dwStyle = MB_USERICON | dwFlags; mbp.lpszIcon = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_VOYCE); mbp.dwContextHelpId = NULL; mbp.lpfnMsgBoxCallback = NULL; mbp.dwLanguageId = NULL; return MessageBoxIndirect(&mbp);}void DisplayHTTPCode(DWORD dwRet, LPSTR lpszCaption){ char *strText; switch (dwRet) { case 200: strText = "URL located, transmission follows"; break; case 400: strText = "Unintelligble request"; break; case 404: strText = "Requested URL not found"; break; case 405: strText = "Server does not support requested method"; break; case 500: strText = "Unknown server error"; break; case 503: strText = "Server capacity reached"; break; default: sprintf(strText, "HTTP Code %d", dwRet); break; } VoyceMessageBox(0, strText, lpszCaption, MB_OK);}int CheckUpdate(void){ CInternetSession session("Voyce Update Check"); CHttpConnection* pServer = NULL; CHttpFile* pFile = NULL; DWORD dwRet; CString strBuf; try { CString strServerName; CString strHeaders; CString strObject; INTERNET_PORT nPort; strServerName = "members.xoom.com"; nPort = 80; strObject = "/_clotweb/voyce/update.inf"; strHeaders = ""; pServer = session.GetHttpConnection(strServerName, nPort); pFile = pServer->OpenRequest(CHttpConnection::HTTP_VERB_GET, strObject); pFile->AddRequestHeaders(strHeaders); pFile->SendRequest(); pFile->QueryInfoStatusCode(dwRet); if (dwRet == HTTP_STATUS_OK) { // Read some bytes into the buffer pFile->ReadString(strBuf); } else { // Not quite OK if (dwRet >= 200 && dwRet <= 299) DisplayHTTPCode(dwRet, "Couldn't obtain update information"); } delete pFile; delete pServer; } catch (CInternetException* pEx) { // Internet error pEx->Delete(); VoyceMessageBox(NULL, "There was an error obtaining\nthe update information.", "Voyce Update", MB_OK); return 0; } session.Close(); // Check for a higher version number if (strncmp(strBuf, VERSION, strlen(VERSION)) > 0) { // Higher version exists there if (VoyceMessageBox(0, "A new version of Voyce exists.\nDo you want to update.", "Voyce Update", MB_YESNO) == IDYES) return 1; // Get it else return 0; // Don't get it } else { VoyceMessageBox(0, "No new version of Voyce exists.", "Voyce Update", MB_OK); return 0; // Nope, existing / lower version exists there }}void GetUpdate(void){ CInternetSession session("Voyce Update Download"); CFtpConnection* pConn = NULL; char *strTempFile; char *strTempPath; GetTempPath(1024, strTempPath); GetTempFileName(strTempPath, "VOY", 0, strTempFile); pConn = session.GetFtpConnection("ftp.xoom.com"); // Get the file if (!pConn->GetFile("/members/_clotweb/voyce/update.exe", strTempFile)) { // Display an error VoyceMessageBox(0, "An error occurred whilst trying to\ndownload the update.", "Voyce Update", MB_OK); return; } else { // Run downloaded temp file ShellExecute(0, "open", strTempFile, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); delete pConn; } session.Close();}
Hope it works
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