
asm version of _dos_setvect (..)

Started by March 01, 2001 06:58 PM
2 comments, last by farmersckn 23 years, 11 months ago
Hey, how would one go about doing _dos_set/getvect in asm? even C code, if it''s possible. Thanks. farmersckn oh, one more thing. could someone show me how to do an interrupt handler that is a member function?
Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future. Today is a gift, that is why we call it the present.

things have changed a LOT from the DOS ASM is WIN32ASM or

assuming is win32 you want: you need to make a VXD to be able to work with INT''s...check out Iczelions site for an uptodate tutorial on ASM in Windows ERA....
actually, i''d like to know how to do it for dos. i''m using Turbo C 3.0 for my compiler, as that is what we use in our c.s. class. My final is gonna be a dos game in 13h, i wanted to know how to set the interrupt for my own purposes though.
thanks, farmersckn
Here is TurboC 2.01 real-mode code for handling interrupt vectors. It should be of some use to you...

  void save_vector(unsigned num, vector_t *v){	        asm push es;	asm push bx;	asm push di;	asm xor bx,bx;	asm mov es,bx;	asm mov bx,[num];	asm shl bx,2;	asm les bx,[es:bx];	asm mov di,[v];	asm mov [di],bx;	asm mov [di+2],es;	asm pop di;	asm pop bx;	asm pop es;}void install_handler(unsigned num, handler_t h){	        asm push es;	asm push bx;        asm xor bx,bx;	asm mov es,bx;	asm mov bx,[num];	asm shl bx,2;	asm pushf;	asm cli;	asm mov ax,word ptr [h];	asm mov [es:bx],ax;	asm mov ax,word ptr [h+2];	asm mov [es:bx+2],ax;	asm popf;	asm pop bx;	asm pop es;}void restore_vector(unsigned num, vector_t *v){	        asm push es;	asm push bx;	asm push di;	asm xor bx,bx;	asm mov es,bx;	asm mov bx,[num];	asm shl bx,2;	asm mov di,[v];	asm pushf;	asm cli;	asm mov ax,[di];	asm mov [es:bx],ax;	asm mov ax,[di+2];	asm mov [es:bx+2],ax;	asm popf;	asm pop di;	asm pop bx;	asm pop es;}  

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