
how to detect and classify cpu type

Started by November 17, 1999 03:47 AM
1 comment, last by 25 years, 3 months ago
hey, i'd like to expound on this querry...

is there a way in general to detect processor speed?

this would perhaps make it where you could automatically alter detail levels in a game so it would run smoothly on any processor..

if i want to classify k6-2 from 386 486 pentium pII P!!! and etc how must i do.
what is instruction to get type of cpu.

thanks in advance for every answer

I wrote code to do both CPU type and speed a few years back.

The CPUID instruction passes back info from the CPU like Manufacturer, Model, Features, etc.

The RDTSC instruction can be used in conjunction with the HighPerformanceCounter to time the CPU and give you a pretty accurate calculation of CPU speed.

You can lookup the CPUID instruction as well as the RDTSC instruction on various programming sites.

Here is a link to the Intel package that claims to do both.


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