
OWL Programming Problems

Started by November 01, 1999 04:31 PM
-1 comments, last by TheMummy 25 years, 4 months ago
I have some Problems with Object Windows under Borland C++ 5.01. I'm writing an OWL application which brings up a Dialog where you can activate Sound , Music and choose a resolution. The settings should be loaded at the begining , and saved at the end of the application.
At first I create a TApplication class.
In the method InitMainWindow() I create a TFramewindow which displays a TDialogobject.
I have also a pointer onto my TDialogobject.

In the constructor of the class TSetup (public of TDialog) I define the TCheckboxes and TRadiobuttons and the pointers onto them.
And I also load the data from a file,where the settings are saved.
But in the constructor of TDialog I can't change the state of the TCheckboxobjects.

So here comes my question: how can I set the state of these buttons ?

At the moment I solve this problem by using another Button which loads the settings , when clicked.

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