
Making games

Started by October 31, 1999 01:03 AM
1 comment, last by 25 years, 4 months ago
Windows Game Programming for Dummies is a good book, but if you can already make DOS games then it might be too basic for you. There are tons of books on DirectX (one is called Inside DirectX, and is supposed to be pretty good I think) that can teach you what you want to know about Windows game programming. Or, you could just download or order the DirectX SDK and use the documentation, which is pretty good in version 7.
Ok, I know how to make games. I know everything that you must do in order to make them functional. All I need to know is the code that does it. Right now I make simple games in DOS, but I'm wanting to start windows game programming now. How much of a change is it from DOS, is it any harder, and what would be a good resource to learn windows game programming from?


Actually I would suggest "Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus". Same author and he covers everything in his dummies book but its updated, plus he covers a lot of advanced subjuects in addition to the old content. There are a lot of goodies on the CD too

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