Quote:Original post by Simagery It's not here, not yet. And it won't be coming anytime soon considering the pervasive attitudes that fill the indie movement.
An indie movement exists in film because investors have some expectation of a return. They have an expectation of a return because a niche film can find a niche audience that'll pay money to see it.
Some game indies would argue that there's a niche audience willing to pay. Maybe. But they're not willing to pay enough to offset the development costs required. This is true for several reasons.
First, unlike most indie moviemakers -- who focus largely on telling very "small" stories on minimal budget -- most indie game developers focus on developing tech for tech's sake (because they are engineers, not artists or designers). And tech is expensive because tech is full of unkowns which means risk. And creating entertainment for people, designing games or writing movies, is already high risk because the majority of attempts fail, even when they are competently executed.
Second, lots of indie gamedevs are "above" being concerned with what the audience wants. That's fine, unless you have a desire to pay the bills, in which case if you're not listening to your audience then you're very unlikely to convert them into customers. Art for art's sake is great, but creating a painting on a canvas is far quicker and cheaper than creating a game.
Why is there no investment in indie gamedev? The same reason there's no investment in non-indie gamedev. Sure, publishers "invest" but really they're just outsourcing product development. Very unrisky (though still far too risky relative to things like the movie industry). Of all the things that the game industry emulates from the movie industry, project investment is one that it should copy entirely. And to truly protect investors, we need to think like movie producers and seek insurances like completition bonds to mitigate the risk to investors. And we have to expect less money then we've used in the past, and we have to invent less tech than we have in the past, and we have to focus more on our audience (and potential audience) than we do on ourselves.
If you want to make games for yourself, you're a hobbyist. If you want to make games for other people but don't listen to them, then you're an amateur. If you want to make games for other people, and more importantly, you want to make games that other people want (i.e. you listen to them), then, and only then, are you a professional. |
Woah, talk about out of touch!
The vast majority of independant films are self financed, most WONT make thier money back, most WONT find a audiance. They are largely made for the love of the film art form. I worked in those trenches for years, at best you could hope your film would be accepted in a film festival, and from there possably a distributer would then pick it up. And if you made a nitche film (horror being the most pervasive), you could hope that a direct to video/DVD distributer picks it up. But then again with the miracle of modern technology it isn't hard to self distribute your work (akin to self publishing in the game/music/book industries)...in fact that is what most do now, and its the very basis for the decade old "micro-budget" film industry.
Troma doesnt make money by listening ecplicitly to what filmgoers want. they make and pick up for distribution films that they like, they sell the kinds of films that make them happy, the kind of films they themselves want to see (and they are a odd tastless bunch). Troma is a nitche all to itself, and the music/books/game industries all share simular nitche centered success stories...
But you prolly never heard of Troma.
When Kevin Smith made Clerks he didn't consult with audiances, didn't listen to film fans, didn't get thier input on what they wanted. He just got a bunch of friends together and self financed his films production WHILE STILL HOLDING DOWN A DAY JOB! He and his friends made a film that they wanted to see, he had no hopes to reach his current fame and fortune.
And that is film, which requires a LOT more investment in equipment then video games do, requires a lot more people to be involved, a lot more technical issues to be resolved, and a lot more capitol to develop grainy 16mm black and white filmstock before any results can be seen.
There is no reason you cant develop video games in your spare time and make a little money once its completed. Nothing is stopping you from achieveing that goal. You DONT need bump mapped spectral highlighted cutting edge 3D graphics, you dont need to compete with the polished luster of the major leagues. You can eventualy earn a liveing off a exploiting a beloved nitch (key is you gotta love that nitche to begin with)...and you dont need financial backing to get started...you already have the PC, and enough spare time to post on message boards.
Just make the kinds of games YOU want to play, make the games you want to see get made.