Well, it's quite simple. I would take the following way:
Create a texture-editor which loads in BMP-Files and saves them in their raw pixels (so, for example for 32 Bit Texture : RGBARGBARGBA... each of them is one BYTE). Then, create a big file, start with the bitmap name (you could set a limit to the texture name) then print the size and then save the bytes of the first bitmap, then go on the same with the second. This will compress all bitmaps into one big file, which would look like that:
If you want to load a specific texture, read the name of the first texture and compare, if it's not the texture, seek about the size of this texture forward, then read the next texture-name, until you found it, then get it's size, and read all bytes into a buffer, using this buffer then copy the bytes into a DirectDraw Surface for example.