
Mac Multithreading

Started by February 01, 2001 05:05 PM
-1 comments, last by Succinct 23 years, 11 months ago
heh, macintosh i''m writing my graphics engine on the win32 platform, but i''m trying to keep it as platform-independent as possible, mainly cuz i''m figuring that i''m eventually going to buy a mac when they take over. i''ve abstracted the hell out of my os calls, my ogl setup calls, my input calls, etc. well, now it''s time to start multithreading the engine. can you multithread on other platforms using the _beginthread/_endthread paradigm? i''m curious if those calls work the same under a mac compiler, because all of the documentation i can find on them is involving win32, and that they''re replacements for the more involved BeginThread group of functions in the API. any hard-core mac users out there that can fill me in? (im guessing that that means firahs is going to be the only reply, if i get one, heh) thank you for you bandwidth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have no name that you may call me. I am merely Succinct. ~Succinct Demos Online~ -(Drop me a line here n''at)- "&ltDiLLiGaS> I''m suprised nobody takes M$ to court for rape... The OS keeps going down w/o your permission."
-- Succinct(Don't listen to me)

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