
Physics for overhead car racing game(like GTA)

Started by July 28, 1999 11:09 PM
2 comments, last by 25 years, 1 month ago
You just can't wait can you ???

well.. if you understod Portuguese i could send you some papers i have here, but since (i think) you dont i have to translate it

Wait just 1 or 2 days


Bruno Sousa aka Akura
Founder and programmer -

It's good to be an outcast, you don't need to explain what you do, you just do it and say you don't belong there.
You might want to take a look at this site:


I'm sure it'll have what you're looking for.

(Thanks Kurt!)

Hi. I am writing an overhead car racing game, sort of like GTA, but 2D not 2.5D. I was wondering if anyone knows of a tutorial about the physics for cars. My questions are, at which point in a turn do the wheels begin to slide, how exactly does the car turn when I have the angle of the wheel turn, etc.
Thanx a lot.
i'm developing a top-down
football game.

anybody know where i can find docs on
grouping objects together, ie flocking
and similar algorithms?


even the strongest man
can't beat fate.

even the strongest man
can't beat fate.

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