
Programming "The Triangle"

Started by January 17, 2001 01:45 AM
2 comments, last by Zipster 24 years ago
"The Triangle" refers to Pascal''s Triangle. I was just doing some gambling odds for my poker hands when i realized that pascal''s triangle and the binomial expansion theory are very closly related to combinations in probability. So, being that motivated little programmer i am, i decided to write a program that would print out pascals triangle to a given number of rows; formatted output to look like a triangle. I then realized that this one was going to be different than other little things i have done. I was just wondereing how ppl would go about the triangle (dont worry about the formattin part, i can do that with C++ output stuff). I know ill probably think of it in my sleep or in a dream or something, but i was just wondereing how you guys would go about doing it.
mmmmh ... linked lists comes to mind

youpla :-P
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Although some might suspect you''re trying to make us do your homework, I don''t think this is the case. And besides, if a guy wants to fool himself, let him !

No linked lists, I did it like this, using arrays (in 5 minutes):

  #include <iostream>using namespace std;void triangle(int n) {  // Calculate Pascal''s triangle for n  int *row, *prevRow, *tmp;  row = new int [n];  prevRow = new int [n];  // Initialization  prevRow[0] = 1;  // Do the rest of the triangle  for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {    row[0] = 1;    row[i-1] = 1;    int j;    for (j = 1; j < i-1; j++) {      row[j] = prevRow[j-1] + prevRow[j];    }    // Print out    for (j = 0; j < i; j++)      cout << row[j] << " ";    cout << endl;    // Swap row and prevRow    tmp = prevRow;    prevRow = row;    row = tmp;  }  delete [] row;  delete [] prevRow;}int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {  int n = 10;  if (argc > 1)    n = atoi(argv[1]);  cout << "Calculating Pascal''s Triangle for n = " << n << "..." << endl;  triangle(n);  cout << "Done" << endl;  return 0;}  

Perhaps it could be sped up, but that''s for someone else to do .

Wout "Dormeur" NeirynckThe Delta Quadrant Development Page
quote: Although some might suspect you''re trying to make us do your homework, I don''t think this is the case.

I knew someone would say that, because it does sound like a homework question. But it is just couriosity. Thx tho.

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