Map = new *MapTile[Width];
if (!Map)
return false;
for (int Col = 0; Col < Width; ++Col)
Map[Col] = new MapTile[Height];
if (!Map[Col])
return false;
return true;
2) Where can I get an accurate timer? I started out using GetTickCount(), but that is only accurate to 55ms. Then I switched to QueryPerformanceCounter(), and that doesn''t have an accuracy in MSDN, but it seems to jump around almost as bad as GetTickCount(). Is there a good function that will return a value with just a couple of ms error? Instead of locking down the framerate in my game, I am going to try the proportional motion thing, and that needs a fairly accurate timer. I haven''t tried it with QueryPerformanceCounter(), but I would think that a difference of 50ms could really throw off the formula.
If you would be willing to restate past answers to old questions, I could really use them. (and if any GDNet Staff are reading this, fix the search engine!)
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