
Old questions re-asked

Started by January 13, 2001 03:29 PM
2 comments, last by Yanroy 24 years ago
I have two questions that have been answered before in this forum. Thanks to the disfunctional search program for the forum, I can''t find them. So please answer them for me, without being too angry 1) To allocate a 2D array dynamically, you need to make an array of pointers, then loop through that array new-ing arrays of the object you want, right? I tried this, and it doesn''t work. Here is my code:
Map = new *MapTile[Width];
if (!Map)
	return false;
for (int Col = 0; Col < Width; ++Col)
	Map[Col] = new MapTile[Height];
	if (!Map[Col])
		return false;

return true;
2) Where can I get an accurate timer? I started out using GetTickCount(), but that is only accurate to 55ms. Then I switched to QueryPerformanceCounter(), and that doesn''t have an accuracy in MSDN, but it seems to jump around almost as bad as GetTickCount(). Is there a good function that will return a value with just a couple of ms error? Instead of locking down the framerate in my game, I am going to try the proportional motion thing, and that needs a fairly accurate timer. I haven''t tried it with QueryPerformanceCounter(), but I would think that a difference of 50ms could really throw off the formula. If you would be willing to restate past answers to old questions, I could really use them. (and if any GDNet Staff are reading this, fix the search engine!) --------------------

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You are not a real programmer until you end all your sentences with semicolons; (c) 2000 ROAD Programming
You are unique. Just like everybody else.
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what is wrong with just..

int *maparray;

maparray = new int[size][size]; ??


what is wrong with just..

int *maparray;

maparray = new int[size][size]; ??


the only problem my compiler (MSVC++) has with such code is the line
Map = new *MapTile[Width];

but if you make
typedef MapTile* pMapTile;
Map = new pMapTile[Width];
it should work
at least it works for me if i use int instead of MapTile
and Map itself must be a MapTile** of course

I myself use the QueryPerformanceCounter(), and as this is the hardware one, it is quite fast...perhaps you should test it and see if it is ok

hope that helps

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