quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
int PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpCmdLine,
int nShowCmd)
MessageBox(NULL,"This is a MessageBox","Caption",MB_OK);
does it get any easier what is hard to understand? i see no chaos!
That''s probably ''cos you''ve been programming in Win32 for some time. Someone who''s just come over from console app programming will probably scratch their heads wondering :
1) Where''s the main function
2) What''s PASCAL doing in a C/C++ app
3) What''s a HINSTANCE
4) Probably some other stuff that I''ve long since forgotten
I know I had that problem when I first looked through Win32 code. All that became clear only after I bought a book on Win32 (Thank you Charles Petzold ).
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