
How good am I?

Started by January 12, 2001 02:51 PM
11 comments, last by Moogle 24 years ago
quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster


int PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpCmdLine,
int nShowCmd)
MessageBox(NULL,"This is a MessageBox","Caption",MB_OK);


does it get any easier what is hard to understand? i see no chaos!

That''s probably ''cos you''ve been programming in Win32 for some time. Someone who''s just come over from console app programming will probably scratch their heads wondering :
1) Where''s the main function
2) What''s PASCAL doing in a C/C++ app
3) What''s a HINSTANCE
4) Probably some other stuff that I''ve long since forgotten

I know I had that problem when I first looked through Win32 code. All that became clear only after I bought a book on Win32 (Thank you Charles Petzold ).

In a team, you either lead, follow or GET OUT OF THE WAY.
==========================================In a team, you either lead, follow or GET OUT OF THE WAY.
I say go for it! I bought a Win32 book on the subject, and, at the time, I was only somewhat well versed in C (no C++).
At first, the talk of "windows classes" scared me off, because I thought they were talking about the C++ version of classes....n/m =o)
Any ways, if you just keep forging ahead, it get''s pretty easy to understand after a while.... I actually had no problem with the concept of Window Procedures or the WinMain function, so if you just keep at it, it becomes easy...

(Yes, I know that was meaningless jabber and repetition =o)

(o=   Cliff_Hawkens   =o)
[" style="color: #ff0000; text-decoration:none; cursor:help;](o= erydo =o)[/email]
The thing is that I am fairly lost oin books that says; "I asume that you are a avarage C/C++ programmer?"
I call my skills pretty average (Last thing i did was a "Area Of The Circle" program with unneccesary functions and error checking

Take La Mother tips and tricks: "Then you just write a cople of classes to set up the window like this


and then you use some aóther code and a piece of this


and then you just creata a class and call it "Is_Star_Trek_On_Tv_Tonight". j/k. heheh..."

Acctually I find the best way of teching this kinda stuff on others tutorials because they are reacheble online rats.

The one thing that is confusing for sure is all the weird varaibles and parameters. For example the parameter in Winmain. Look at them...WTF?

/Sebastian JEnsen

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