
Windows border size?

Started by January 07, 2001 02:14 PM
1 comment, last by Neelz0r 24 years ago
I''m just starting to learn windows programming (I already know C/C++ fairly well), and I started off by writing a program which displays the width, height, and coordinates of the window every time you move/resize it. So far it works perfectly, but I noticed that when you get the size or coordinates of the window, it doesn''t take into account the size of the window''s border. So how would I go about getting the border size? I tried just adding 8, which worked, but of course if somebody changes the border size in their windows settings, it''s off again. Thanks for helping - Neelz0r
The function you use to find this out is: GetSystemMetrics().

To find the border width:
      DWORD dwFrameWidth    = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSIZEFRAME );    

To find the border height:
  DWORD dwFrameHeight   = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSIZEFRAME );      

To find the menu height:
  DWORD dwMenuHeight    = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYMENU );      

To find the caption height:
  DWORD dwCaptionHeight = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYCAPTION );    

So, now to find the actual window width, you do:
  DWORD dwWindowWidth   = WINDOW_WIDTH  + dwFrameWidth * 2;      

To find the actual window height (take out the stuff you don't need if you dont have a menu, or caption)
  DWORD dwWindowHeight  = WINDOW_HEIGHT + dwFrameHeight * 2 +                         dwMenuHeight + dwCaptionHeight;    

Edited by - FrigidHelix on January 7, 2001 4:19:02 PM

Edited by - FrigidHelix on January 7, 2001 4:20:30 PM
A couple more ways to do this:

AdjustWindowRect will give you a window rectangle for a given client rectangle. You can use those to get widths/offsets, etc.

You can also use GetClientRect, which returns the client area''s rectangle relative to the window. (The window''s upper left corner is at (0, 0)).


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