
Game Creation Systems (PLEASE READ)

Started by December 31, 2000 05:44 PM
2 comments, last by rodneyldixon 24 years ago
What would be the best Game Creation System I should use to create excellant 3D Dos/Windows games that does not require any programming? Also, what other Game Creation Systems could I use to create 3D Dos/Windows games? Edited by - rodneyldixon on December 31, 2000 7:00:24 PM Edited by - rodneyldixon on December 31, 2000 7:07:16 PM
Sil vous plait....Ferme le bouche!

In short, if you want to make 3D games, you''re going to have to learn to program. Trust me, there are many things out there, but all of them either require programming knowledge, or are not 3D in any way.

Try for a 3D Basic-Language. I''ve tried it... doesn''t float my boat, but you can try it for yourself. Unfortunately for you, it requires programming.

My BEST recommendation to you is to go and find yourself a copy of QBASIC or GCC/DJGPP. Go out to the bookstore, and buy a copy of "Crash Course in QBASIC" (if you want to go that route) or "The C Programming Language". Both are books I own and recommend, and, although old, will start you on your programming journey.
Hopefully this answers both the questions you posted...this one about game creation systems and the other about languages.

A 'game creation system' could try one of these but they are of limited use and something that might suit your needs better might involve some programming anyway. Following the advice of the other poster who said something similar and advised you to go ahead and learn a language :-

Try BlitzBasic ( which is a language likely to suit most hobbyist needs.

This is a pretty good version of the basic language the targets game and demo writers. It was hugely sucessful many years ago on the Amiga and is particularly easy to write for.

At present, it does not support 3D but this is on the way and appears to be progressing well. My advice would be to get hold of the package and learn basic and 2D games programming whilst awaiting the 3D version.

You should have a lot of fun just doing 2D stuff anyhow. Go ahead and download the demo version, which gives you everything but the options of creating a standalone executable. Have a look at some of the sample programs and try fiddling around with them. You should get quite a reasonable idea of how easy all this BB stuff actually is.

Edited by - freakchild on December 31, 2000 8:29:01 PM
Well Div actualy had a good review, pretty good for beginners, who want to learn some language and have results fast unlike C++. It use some kind of scripting language if I remember well and sadly it''s DOS based but some of the results I saw looked pretty decent. Thought the best you can hope to achieve IMHO is the valueware market ^_^.

memcpy(&i, &j, sizeof(int));

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