Seeking Editor... want advice/suggestions
Seeking Editor to proofread for small town paper...
Achally i''m looking for a better text editor /IDE
1st - my limited experience is with vi (no), emacs (rather not), TurboC 3''s IDE (ok), RHIDE (same thing isn''t it? ), MSVisual C''s IDE (ok), and the like...
this is what I''ve used so what I want may exist but I just don''t know it (if it doesn''t i''ll probably just end up writing yet another editor..)
but now I seek something more..
this is what I want
all the standard fair - color coding, multiple files, search/replace, compile/run/make from within IDE, word completion/renaming, bla, bla, bla
but in addition...
- plugin "rules" for various languages so all this stuff would work with Java, C, asm, whatever...
- collapsable functions / classes - so I could just hit a button on the side of the screen next to a function or class and it would collapse to only the name (with maybe a star or icon signifying that it is collapsed..) - would make scrolling up and down between functions easier (for me at least..)
- "hidden" comments - for notes not critical to understanding but needed nonetheless - you could right-click on a line of code and select comment - then you move the mouse of the line the comment you entered would popup over the line (or in a status bar or whatever...)
- comments / assumptions that follow variables... you could tag a variable with a little note ("x assumes data is >0") and when you mouse over that variable (wherever it is within it''s scope) the little pop-up appears
- when saving have an option to save to plain text and insert the comments where the go and abbr. user info, settings, etc. in a header or footer (or separate file..) allowing it to be easily viewed in plaintext..
- good (visual) project management stuff - it would find and draw flowcharts of any file dependancies..
- built in version control/check out system for projects (preferable w/ network support) - when someone logs into the system and checks out a file..the changes they make are recorded allowing undos, etc.. when you log in and get a file any lines that are different from the last time you had the file are marked/colored different and/or have a mouseover popup that says "This line changed by Skeet - 2 days 3 hours ago (Nov. 12, 00) (Orignal)" click on original (or maybe a hot-key) to see what it was changed from and maybe a note as to why
- plugin code "renderers" - like a browser for HTML only with whatever language - would draw a flowchartish type thing for a C++ file for example - and allow maybe minor changes - to create a very visual representation of the code. While it might not capture the minor details it should only need to get you to understand the basic gist of the code.
- auto code reuse - if the editor see something that looks familiar (similar variable types used with similar structures) it would suggest maybe reusing the code that looks similar (wouldn''t want it to be like that damn paperclip though...)
- a simple test bed - click the test bed icon, type it in, and run. The editor would automatically (try to) find and include anything I called on in the current project. also would include very simple, generic, and easy to use standard structures, etc.. sacrificing speed for ease of use..
- popup list of "tests" a function has passed (within bounds, memory leaks, error handling, data trusting, security holes, etc.) could just be simply a checklist and who did the test..
- very visual, very pluginy/customizable
- free (as in free speech and free beer)
- The OS doesn''t really matter.. I''m just as comfortable on a Mac, Linux, or MS box...
- Built in Tesla coil...well maybe thats a bit much but..
I understand that to get what I want I''ll probably have to write it myself.. but does any editor/IDE come close??
Lemme know what you think...
Cheers - THP@OU.EDU
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