
Linux Media Player Suggestion

Started by November 04, 2005 11:49 AM
10 comments, last by eedok 18 years, 10 months ago
I'm looking for a nice media player for Linux that can player Quicktime, WMV etc. I did a quick Google and found these: Are any of these decent?
I dunno about QuickTime, but for any other format I've found VLC to be off-the-wall.
{[JohnE, Chief Architect and Senior Programmer, Twilight Dragon Media{[+++{GCC/MinGW}+++{Code::Blocks IDE}+++{wxWidgets Cross-Platform Native UI Framework}+++
I've been fairly happy with Kaffeine, but to play WMV and .mov you will need the plugins. I believe I had downloaded them from the MPlayer site.
-------------------------GBGames' Blog: An Indie Game Developer's Somewhat Interesting ThoughtsStaff Reviewer for Game Tunnel
mplayer, is the way to go
MPlayer, but be prepared to spend some compiling it for all supported formats.
xine is good as well and the two engage in active competition.

Kaffeine is a KDE wrapper around xine but, i've found it to be the most buggy media player I've ever used. Version 0.6 would often hang in the background if you closed it before pressing stop. The version shipped with the latest kubuntu would crash when closed if using the xine backend... and fail to play almost anything correctly with the gstreamer backend. Xine-ui seemed to work fine in all cases.

To be honest, xine and mplayer crash and hang from time to time as well, mostly because of bugs in codecs. Finding and choosing good codecs can take some effort. Some (3rd-party) package distributors have done a better job at this than others. For example, I've personally found PackMan's SuSE repository to be of high quality.
I have been using mplayer for about 3 years. It is pretty stable in the last versions. I have no good experiences with Xine.
I've tried out several, and I prefer Xine the most. It doesn't play absolutlely everything, but about 90-95% of the stuff I download it will work for. I keep mplayer installed on my system as a backup in case something doesn't work with Xine. (And sometimes things will work in Xine for me but not in mplayer). It's really the clean interface of xine that draws me to it I think. [smile]

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Is MPLAYER only a command line tool?
Because I've installed it and I can seem to only use it via the command line. There is no GUI.
no it has a gui, well can have at least it depends on the compilation options. You run it with gmplayer, if that symlink doesn't already exists, create it.


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