
Foreign Language Font in DirectX?

Started by December 20, 2000 08:29 PM
2 comments, last by EdwardKoo 24 years, 1 month ago
For example, how do you display chinese and japanese font in DirectX?
You''d probably have to use bitmapped fonts and use whatever system the Chinese/Japanese use to index to the cells. Of course, it wouldn''t be that simple because pictograph systems like that tend to have high amounts of characters, but I think that''s the general idea. The same thing would apply to OpenGL or any other API, I think.

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You could use the windows GDI. I''m sure there are unicode routines for text output.
==========================================In a team, you either lead, follow or GET OUT OF THE WAY.
Hi Mr. Koo,
I''m glad to see people start to consider writing games for our Chinese people.

As an reward, give me you email address and I send you a good font to bitmap and character info convertor!

Kinny Wong
Kinny Wong

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