I've implemented a first try at A* for better path-finding in a tile-based world. Preliminary tests seems to show that it works, but is very slow - for a path of ~100 tiles it took ~0.25s (on a 750MHz processor) which is unacceptable for real-time use, even if the calculation is spread over several frames. I reckon i need to boost performance by an order of magnitude, which may be possible since this is a straight-from -the-book implementation with no performance considerations.
Here is the method which calculates the path. Note that m_Open & m_Closed are std::lists. It's not too long or complex!
bool PathFinder::CalculatePath3(RTSUnit *pUnit,WORD destX,WORD destY)
//if this unit is a user of any other paths, unregister it from them
WORD startX = pUnit->Pos().x, startY = pUnit->Pos().y;
PathSearchNode N,Nnew,*pN;
N = m_Open.front();
if(N.m_X == destX && N.m_Y == destY)
//found a route - genreate the list of tiles
PathDataTileList *pPath = new PathDataTileList(this);
for(pN = &N; pN; pN=pN->m_pParent)
m_PathLocations.push_back(new PathLocation(pPath,pUnit));
return true;
//push N onto closed and remember it's address for setting it as a parent to the new nodes
pN = &m_Closed.back();
//find the 8 surrounding nodes
for(WORD y = max(N.m_Y,1)-1; y<= N.m_Y+1; ++y)
for(WORD x = max(N.m_X,1)-1; x<= N.m_X+1; ++x)
if(y!=N.m_Y || x!=N.m_X) //don't select current node again!
bool skip =false;
// check - if Nnew in closed or open, and existing version has lower G, then skip this one
for(std::list<PathSearchNode>::iterator Iopen = m_Open.begin(); Iopen!= m_Open.end(); ++Iopen)
if((*Iopen) == Nnew && (*Iopen).m_G <= Nnew.m_G)
{ skip =true; break; }
for(std::list<PathSearchNode>::iterator Iclosed = m_Closed.begin(); Iclosed!= m_Closed.end(); ++Iclosed)
if((*Iclosed) == Nnew && (*Iclosed).m_G <= Nnew.m_G)
{ skip =true; break; }
//if in closed, remove it
if(Iclosed != m_Closed.end())
//add to open
if(Iopen == m_Open.end())
//sort all nodes by ascending F.
return false;
For reference, here is the node class I am using:
class PathSearchNode
PathSearchNode *m_pParent;
float m_F,m_G,m_H; //G is cost to this node, H heuristic estimate from here to end, F node cost G+H
WORD m_X,m_Y; //the tile this node is located at
PathSearchNode(PathSearchNode *pParent,WORD X,WORD Y,WORD destX,WORD destY)
void Set(PathSearchNode *pParent,WORD X,WORD Y,WORD destX,WORD destY)
m_pParent = pParent;
m_X = X; m_Y = Y;
//no parent - start point
else if(m_pParent->m_X != m_X && m_pParent->m_Y != m_Y)
m_G = m_pParent->m_G + 1.4f; //extra cost for diagonal movement
m_G = m_pParent->m_G + 1.0f;
m_H = EstimateGoalDistance(destX,destY);
m_F = m_G + m_H;
bool operator<(const PathSearchNode &comp)
{ return (m_F < comp.m_F); }
bool operator>(const PathSearchNode &comp)
{ return (m_F > comp.m_F); }
bool operator==(const PathSearchNode &comp)
{ return (m_X==comp.m_X && m_Y==comp.m_Y); }
int EstimateGoalDistance(WORD destX,WORD destY)
int dx = max(m_X,destX) - min(m_X,destX);
int dy = max(m_Y,destY) - min(m_Y,destY);
return max(dx,dy);
To my mind, the fact that I keep iterating through the open/closed lists is probably a bad thing. Also, I am just pushing/popping from the Open list and calling std::list::sort on it. Recursion can be used to eliminate the open and closed lists completely, but a) can the stack take this and b)that means I can't spread the path-finding calculations over a second or two.
Any advice would be gratefully received.