
This is very irrelevant, but.....................

Started by December 16, 2000 03:43 PM
4 comments, last by John1 24 years, 2 months ago
What state is the best to set up a software company? I was thinking about basing it on something like taxes. Sales tax, I know, is Deleware. I don''t really care about that, though. I want the lowest income and federal tax. Does anyone know what the lowest are in either of those categories? If you think I shold base my company on more than just lowest taxes, then tell me what I should base it on. Thanks.
If you''re serious about starting a company, you need to get a business plan together and talk professionally to some accountants. Whilst everyone here are great people, you''d be insane to take advise on financial matters from them over the internet.
No, no. I was talking about the people who have already started companies, why they chose the state that they did. I was basing it on taxes, but i wanted to know why they chose the location that they did.
Well, as far as Federal income taxes go, I don''t think choosing a state will have much effect (seeing as they ARE federal taxes).

Texas has no state income tax. Austin is becoming more popular with various game developers, multimedia providers and the like. It''s warm, not too humid, and usually not too close to tornados.

And besides, if you''re a carnivore, the barbecue is killer! (My recommendation: Salt Lick!).

Oh, and plus, the CGDC has a mini-con there once per year. (At least I think they still do...)
Well, I know that federal taxes are the same. Hell, I should, I am taking Civics this year :O. Thanks to ,uhm, anonymous for that Texas thing. I have to ask you one question, though. How are the other taxes. Texas has to make money somehow. With no state income tax, hell, that takes a lot of money away. I''ll consider going to Austin to check it out. Thanks.
Original post by John1

Well, I know that federal taxes are the same. Hell, I should, I am taking Civics this year :O. Thanks to ,uhm, anonymous for that Texas thing. I have to ask you one question, though. How are the other taxes. Texas has to make money somehow. With no state income tax, hell, that takes a lot of money away. I''ll consider going to Austin to check it out. Thanks.

Sorry, wasn''t logged in when I wrote the Austin, TX stuff.

Sales tax is 8%, if I recall correctly. No state income tax, no city income tax (at least in Austin). Don''t know how they do it... maybe because there''s lots of open land and oil???

Anyway, Austin is a fun place. Good food, Sixth street, game developers....

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Blue programmer needs food badly. Blue programmer is about to die!
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New York. New York. New York. Texas. Texas. New York. New York. Canada.
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