
Big MFC and DX8 Question!!

Started by December 15, 2000 12:23 PM
20 comments, last by thekid 24 years, 1 month ago
Hi, I am trying to make a map editor using MFC and DX8 and I have a problem. -first i dont know very much about MFC so i dont know what options I want in the MFC wizard thing. -second when i do select the options i want and try to get get DX to create in the View portion of the app it never works all i get is a text editor. Could anyone please help me here where do i put dx into the app and what options do i want I just want a basic one window app with a single doc,view,window interface. THNX
Create an SDI prog with the default options, and put DX into your View class.
I knew that much but where do i put dx into what functions and when please a little more detailed info
I''m not entirely sure what you mean. Just stick the initialisation in somewhere like OnInitialUpdate, and the drawing stuff in OnDraw.
A better idea... dont use MFC jsut use straight Win32 SDK
A better idea... dont use MFC, just use straight Win32 SDK
I did the exactly what you said and it doesnt work anyone else have any suggestions.
I don''t waant to sound sarcastic, but.

Start by writting a ''Hello World'' windows App.

Once you have achieved that, then maybe you want to start thinking about tougher stuff.

Get your ideas, write ''em down, ask youself ''How do I want to implement these?'', write THAT down. Look into how to do that using MFC.

Honestly. You can''t split the atom I all you can do is hit a chisel with a hammer. You need to refine you talents a little more.


Carpe Diem
D.V.Carpe Diem
He knew enough about SDI to know that it has views, a doc, & frames...

How much do you know about OOD? It''ll help alot if you know about patterns.

There are several derived classes from CView; you may want to use a CFormView (and I think its the default...) and create a form to stick in the child window. On the form you can toss a "picture" control, and use its hwnd to initialize Dx, making it the rendering target for the graphics (need to create a clipper).

Magmai Kai Holmlor
- The disgruntled & disillusioned
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
Getting DX to run in MFC is pretty elementary, probably easier than getting it to go in normal windows.

When you say it doesn''t work, why? What happens? what did you do?

In your words,

''please a little more detailed info''

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