
Visual C++ V6.0

Started by December 07, 2000 02:43 PM
3 comments, last by benjamin bunny 24 years, 1 month ago
I''m being forced to upgrade to VCC version 6.0 from 4.1 so that I can integrate my games with Everad''s SoftHound SDK (It just doesn''t like 4.1) to display adverts. I''ve seen an upgrade version (described as "Visual C++ v6.0 VU Win CD") for £45.82, which seems very cheap, and I have some questions regarding it. If anyone can help me out who''s used the upgrade, I''d be grateful. 1) will I be able to write MFC applications with it, or do I need the professional edition? 2) Is this a cut-down version? Does it lack any essential features or anything else for that matter that might be useful? (vague question, I know) 3) will the VCC 6.0 upgrade install if I already have VCC 4.1, or do would it require version 5+? Thanks in advance. I would have tried the MS website, but I wasn''t feeling masochistic enough. | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux

I have the Standard Edition of VC6 and it word great! You can create MFC apps/Win32Apps/Console Apps/ all kinds of Apps! But it also comes with the GREAT MSDN98 Library which can be helpfull when stuck!...Here a list of the material included in each of the editions of VC6 (Y''s go in order from S->P->E):

The following table shows which features are in each edition (Standard, Professional, or Enterprise) of Visual C++ 6.0.

(in respected order)
Feature Standard Professional Enterprise

License for distributing applications Y (new) Y Y
MFC Database Classes Y Y Y
Active Template Library (ATL) Y Y Y
Automatic Statement Completion (new) Y (new) Y (new) Y (new)
Client-server applications development Y Y Y
OLE DB Templates (new) Y (new) Y (new)
Code optimization Y Y
Profiler Y Y
Static linking to the MFC Library Y Y
Databound controls (RemoteData) Y Y
InstallShield Y Y
Custom AppWizard Y Y
Visual Database Tools Y (new, some) Y
Extended Stored Procedure Wizard (new) Y (new)
Visual SourceSafe Y
SQL debugging Y
SQL Server 6.5 Developer Edition Y
SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack #3 Y
Visual Modeler (new) Y (new)
ASA400 database access via OLE DB (new) Y (new)
Microsoft Transaction Server Y
Internet Information Server 4.0 (new) Y (new)


"Y" means the feature is included.

"(new)" means the feature is new, or new for the edition.

"(some)" indicates that some but not all aspects of the feature are available for the edition.

thats not to readable I guess but I just cut and paste but thats everything I guess, hope it helped

Thanks. That''s decided it for me - I''m getting VC 6.0. Now all I need to know is whether I need the full version or the upgrade; given that I already have version 4.1 I presume the upgrade would work, but I''m not sure. Anyone know? | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux

Why don''t you simply visit mirosofts website ? They have MUCH information and advertisement on their site as you can imagine


quote: Original post by tcs

Why don''t you simply visit mirosofts website ? They have MUCH information and advertisement on their site as you can imagine



I did. Microsoft''s site says the Standard edition isn''t available as an upgrade, although I would beg to differ, having seen it now on two different online stores. | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux

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