
DDraw utilities not working.

Started by November 11, 2000 03:23 PM
2 comments, last by JwayneT 24 years, 2 months ago

I was using DDloadBitmap and I was getting a linker error, related to my obj file. So I used the utilities from gamedev, and those didn''t work either. How do I fix this obj linker error? <style>a.h{text-decoration:none;color:blue;};a.h:hover{text-decoration:underline;background:red;};

Why is it called a hot water heater? Isn''t it cold when it goes in the tank?


Why is it called a hot water heater? Isn't it cold when it goes in the tank?

[" class="h]-=CF=-[/email]
It would be nice to know the errors.. if its an unresolved external, make sure you didn''t just add the header file for the ddutil thingo to your project, make sure you add the .cpp file too.
Sounds like your version of Direct Draw interfaces being used are conflicting. The version you are using for your main app is diff then what is being used in the util functions.

=============================Where's the 'any' key?=============================

Quantum, there was no .cpp file in the utils folder with directx 7.0a, maybe I just missed it. As far as the version conflict, I''ll have to look into that. And yes, it was an unresolved external.


Why is it called a hot water heater? Isn''t it cold when it goes in the tank?


Why is it called a hot water heater? Isn't it cold when it goes in the tank?

[" class="h]-=CF=-[/email]

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