i/o with .txt files.......
Hello again. I had a question about input and output on .txt files. Could you show me some code (VC++) demonstrating how to read and output in an .exe from a .txt file. And also, how to write to a .txt from an .exe. Both reading and writing to and from a .txt file I should say using a Win32 Console App. Thanks in advance. Also, can and how do you do the exact same thing with a Win32 app? Both would be nice. Thanks a lot!
I am not worthy of a sig!
I am not worthy of a sig! ;)
Will open a text file called readme.txt, and read in an integer from it. If you wanted to read in strings, you need to make a character array big enough to hold the string being read in, and do a similar thing.
If you dont know how long the string is, then assuming your character array is 1024 bytes in size, you can go:
char MyArr[1024];
filein.getline( MyArr,1024 );
This is from memory - im not too sure about the above.
#include "fstream.h"void main(){ ifstream filein( "readme.txt" ); int somenumber; filein >> somenumber; filein.close();}
Will open a text file called readme.txt, and read in an integer from it. If you wanted to read in strings, you need to make a character array big enough to hold the string being read in, and do a similar thing.
If you dont know how long the string is, then assuming your character array is 1024 bytes in size, you can go:
char MyArr[1024];
filein.getline( MyArr,1024 );
This is from memory - im not too sure about the above.
Writing to a text file is just like using cout.
/* todo: insert cool sig */
Magnum Games.NET
ofstream myfile("file.txt",ios::out);myfile << "This will be written to the file" << endl;
/* todo: insert cool sig */
Magnum Games.NET
ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers
ofstream fout("outfile.txt");
ifstream fin("infile.txt");
void readafile()
char buffer[255];
fin>> buffer;
void writefile()
char buffer2[10] = {''1'',''1'',''1'',''1'',''1'',''1'',''1'',''1'',''1'',''1''};
fout<< buffer;
Whats a pretty girl like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?
ifstream fin("infile.txt");
void readafile()
char buffer[255];
fin>> buffer;
void writefile()
char buffer2[10] = {''1'',''1'',''1'',''1'',''1'',''1'',''1'',''1'',''1'',''1''};
fout<< buffer;
Whats a pretty girl like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?
Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.
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