
SDL - Too slow

Started by February 25, 2005 05:43 AM
36 comments, last by 23yrold3yrold 19 years, 11 months ago
Original post by Ravuya
"screen" is the traditional SDL name for the framebuffer.

Which I might add, you can also just use SDL_GetVideoSurface so you do not have to pass that variable around or have a global variable.
Original post by NighTiger
You don't understand!
It's impossible that with only 3 surface you have something less 120 fps.

Anyway tnx for your "advice"

It is not impossible but most likely. You fallen into the same trap as most people when it comes to analysing FPS. Check out FPS Vs Frame Time by Robert Dunlop.
Original post by Easca
It is not impossible but most likely. You fallen into the same trap as most people when it comes to analysing FPS. Check out FPS Vs Frame Time by Robert Dunlop.

thank you I going to read it
Original post by Simian Man
When will people stop bashing SDL for being slow just because they don't know how to use it? It seems like there's always a post in this forum where somebody is saying SDL is too slow and then it comes to light that they're loading their surfaces once per frame or somthing. SDL is not OpenGl fast, but if you have a pathetic FPS for a simple game, the chances are very good you're doing somthing wrong

He's was quite aware of that fact (see second last line of the post); just because he says it's slow for him (and it is) doesn't mean he's bashing SDL. [rolleyes]
And just for preference, could we veer away from comments like "This is childish" and "Just stop being lazy"? Thanks.

To the original poster: it might help if you posted more of your game initialization and main game loop so we can talk specifics ...

Jesus saves ... the rest of you take 2d4 fire damage.

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