
Ubuntu Linux

Started by February 03, 2005 07:55 PM
32 comments, last by 19 years, 7 months ago
[qoute]It didn't work properly on my laptop - I was left with a big cross in the middle of my screen when running X (I'm sure a lot of you know the cross I mean, you've probably seen it when X is first loading, before it turns into what your mouse cursor looks like), and after using it for a few minutes my my would always stop working.

I've never had this problem with any other distro, but didn't spend any time trying to fix it (the X config file looked ok though) since I never really intended to use it full time, I just installed it to see what it was like.

This link may be of some use to you:
Quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Quote: It didn't work properly on my laptop - I was left with a big cross in the middle of my screen when running X (I'm sure a lot of you know the cross I mean, you've probably seen it when X is first loading, before it turns into what your mouse cursor looks like), and after using it for a few minutes my my would always stop working.

I've never had this problem with any other distro, but didn't spend any time trying to fix it (the X config file looked ok though) since I never really intended to use it full time, I just installed it to see what it was like.

This link may be of some use to you:

Thats looks like exactly the problem that I had, so if I ever run into it again I'll know where to look :)
Can't wait to try it then. =)
I'll try to get my friends to convert too, since they have AMD64s, and they run 32bit Windows XP =P.
Ubuntu looks amazing... but I am loyal to Slackware... yet lately Slackware has turned into a nightmare since I have to set up every inch of my system. It has been nearly two weeks since I installed and I still don't have it even close to getting it set up. No matter how clean and stable Slackware might be I don't think it's worth it. I am going to wait a couple of weeks for my Ubuntu CDs to arrive and if I am not satisfied with Slackware I am moving to Ubuntu. I mean installing software just by writting a couple of lines sure beats searching around the internet for the right library.
"Go on get out last words are for fools who have not said enough already." -- Karl Marx
Honestly, I would've installed Ubuntu by now, if it weren't for the massive time investment I've put into my Gentoo install.
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
One of my friend told me to try Gentoo, but seeing how I'm a Linux noob, I wanted an easier distro. =P
Quote: Original post by Promit
Honestly, I would've installed Ubuntu by now, if it weren't for the massive time investment I've put into my Gentoo install.

Hm, I don't get this Ubuntu deal -- Does it have anything that would make one choose this distro over Gentoo?
Depends... Gentoo is a really powerful distribution but you have to put a lot of work and effort to get it set up. Ubuntu is already set up for you but it does not have the speed of a custom Gentoo system.

Both Gentoo and Ubuntu have excellent package managment systems and I would say they are both really similar. The difference is whether you are ready to spend the time to compile your entire system or just install the thing from a single disk. The advantage to compiling from scratch is you get a faster system.
"Go on get out last words are for fools who have not said enough already." -- Karl Marx
Quote: Original post by Leffe
Quote: Original post by Promit
Honestly, I would've installed Ubuntu by now, if it weren't for the massive time investment I've put into my Gentoo install.

Hm, I don't get this Ubuntu deal -- Does it have anything that would make one choose this distro over Gentoo?

Time. Installing Gentoo takes a lot of time. You get major benefits for doing so, of course, that no non-source distro can't hold a candle to.
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
It all depends on what you think is right. Is a 48+ hour setup time worth a half second speed increase of everything?

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