quote: Original post by Possibility
I tried putting all 3 of my tile images onto a single texture, and then just using the portion of that texture i need for that tile, but there is a problem with that, and that is blurrying you get at the transition like from 1 tile image to the next on your single texture image.
For example if in your texture you have the water tile image next to the grassland tile image, then the green and blue become blurred with each other, so when you draw your grassland tile the edge of it will be slightly blue for the edge of the texture that was next to the water.
You got your Texture coords wrong there. A u or v of 0 is the same as 1 i.e. BETWEEN first and last texel. You have to use 0.5/texturesize for the very left pixel and (texturesize-0.5)/texturesize for the last one... Someday, I'll do a short tutorial on that I think... people get it wrong all the time...
- JQ, PWC Software
"programming is all about wasting time" -me
Edited by - JonnyQuest on October 28, 2000 8:42:19 AM