It was just a very early tile engine. I got some tiles to show up on the screen and I got it to import 3D objects from a file (the cow) and I can replace the cow.03d file with another of another type and load and display that object then. And I got cool moonlight effects on the water tiles (atleast I think there really cool).
I just wanted to know what people got for a frame rate, I and see its about 5-15fps on the average (which isnt to good). I just wanted to compare others to mine so that if I can get mine upto 60-75fps then most others will have somewhere around 20-30fps which is good enough (for me atleast).
Right now the program is going through a tile array size 80x60 tiles with 2 triangles per tile = 9600 triangles + 5804 triangles in the cow. The cows normals arent comming out right so that is why it is solid black.
What i have to do now is create a routine to just draw the tiles that are on the screen and only draw the cow when it is on the screen, plus I will put all the terrains into a single texture and then only use the portions of the texture that i need per tile instead of doing a texture switch every single tile. My goal is to basically make a civ2 like map but have it like you see (the nice 3D look), and to include more tiles types like moutains and such, but i dont want that roaling map type like in alpha centauri. And then I have the models like the cow that i can import (but with only like 50 triangles instead 5800) for the units in the game like tanks, planes, legions, frigates ect... So I can have nice 3D rendered units zipping around the map.
Edited by - Possibility on October 24, 2000 10:41:37 PM
For the peoples that dont work. Can your computers do 1024x768 x 16bit color? I used the 16bit color because I have a voodoo3 card which can only do 16bit and not 32bit. Otherwise I dont know why its not working, but that I have noticed that it maybe more likely to work on others comps if they have VC++ installed.