AllegroGL installation
Okay, I'm trying to compile an allegroGl program with dev-c++. I have all of the opengl libraries and headers and the allegrogl header. I compiled it and it gave me all these "undefined reference to..." errors. So I assumed I just forgot the allegrogl lib file. But when I went in the lib directory, there were no files of type .lib or .a. Why is this and how do I take care of these errors?
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BTW, the undefined reference errors where all towards allegroGl functions.
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Have you got the link order right? I think it should be:
-lagl -lalleg -luser32 -lgdi32 -lopengl32 -lglu32
The problem is, I downloaded the allegrogl files, and there was no lib file for allegrogl included. I go to the lib directory in the allegrogl folder and all that is there is something called So what is going on?
Is there a devpack for allegroGL?
Is there a devpack for allegroGL?
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While I was looking for an AllegroGL devpack I came across the gold mine. Hint: if your looking for a dev-C++ devpack go to
So basically I got the devpack and the lib file, so I'm happy. Thanks.
Oh, and Oralloy, you were absolutly correct about the lib order.
So basically I got the devpack and the lib file, so I'm happy. Thanks.
Oh, and Oralloy, you were absolutly correct about the lib order.
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