

Started by December 18, 2004 07:01 AM
1 comment, last by mlambert 20 years, 2 months ago
Hi there, I'm just looking around to see if anyone has used or considered using Cipher engine. I'm starting my new project soon (fps) and am looking around for opinions on his engine over Torque (since torque looks far more dated and the Shader version seems a bit pricey when it may not beat Cipher in terms of quality visuals). I've worked a bit with Connitec's A6 engine, but I can't say I'm covninced with that one. I'm not so much worried about ease of use (although adding a physics engine is a must) and I'm not overly interested in modding HL2 or such. Any thoughts? Marc.

Marc. Help Wanted template | Game development isn't easy! | Indie interviews
Bloodlust is back! -Leave your morals and political correctness at the door.

Poor guy - Nothing worse than asking a question that gets no answer for 5 days - and probabally will never get a response - so I'll give you some of my thougts.
Since Cipher is not locked into a single genre, it can be used to make a wide variety of games, from racing games to fps games. If you are planning to make a regular fps game, then you should probably look at making a Quake or Unreal mod, but if you planning something a little different, or want to extend the engine, then Cipher might be a good solution. We have tried to make using Cipher as easy as possible for existing mod developers by providing features and systems that you will already be familiar with.

From what I've read it seems that it contridicts your goals a bit. I say go for Torque and give it a try - unless you must have that $150 shader in addition to the $100 engine. However - if you do need that shader, I'd give Cipher a try - the tech demo was absolutly amazing. I say Torque is made more for FPS games, but then again I do not know today's standards for making FPS - I'm still in SDL [wink].

Overall I would save give Cipher a try. A $100 is a fair price for something developed over 3 years and looks nice. If it doesn't work out, at least you have the experience and will stick to those Indie-Engines [lol].
Original post by Drew_Benton
Poor guy - Nothing worse than asking a question that gets no answer for 5 days - and probabally will never get a response - so I'll give you some of my thougts.

I didn't expect much response, because Cipher doesn't seem to be a huge topic here :)

From what I've read it seems that it contridicts your goals a bit. I say go for Torque and give it a try - unless you must have that $150 shader in addition to the $100 engine. However - if you do need that shader, I'd give Cipher a try - the tech demo was absolutly amazing. I say Torque is made more for FPS games, but then again I do not know today's standards for making FPS - I'm still in SDL [wink].

I'm used to a little bit higher engines than Torque and Cipher (ex pro), so I'm after power as much as ease of use (I've always been less interested in the engine side of programming than game logic, hence the need for an engine). Torque doesn't interest me because it looks so dated. Mybe Ogre or the like would suit my needs better.

Overall I would save give Cipher a try. A $100 is a fair price for something developed over 3 years and looks nice. If it doesn't work out, at least you have the experience and will stick to those Indie-Engines [lol].

I might still get it, I'm in a financial position to get a few engines and try them, I was just hoping to find a little knowledge since they don't offer a demo.

Thanks for your input!


Marc. Help Wanted template | Game development isn't easy! | Indie interviews
Bloodlust is back! -Leave your morals and political correctness at the door.

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