
Why doesn't this work? Asm question.

Started by October 15, 2000 12:48 AM
-1 comments, last by farmersckn 24 years, 3 months ago
i have my surface class, in dos, for screen mode 13h, OLD, i know, but i like it.. anyway, i can''t seem to get access to the member variables in the class.
void CSurface::SetPixel (int iDestX1, int iDestY1, byte bColor)
   asm {
   les di, dword ptr [m_lpDest]
   mov ax, [m_iLinePitch]
   mul [iDestY1]
   add ax, [iDestX1]
   mov di, ax
   mov al, byte ptr [bColor]
   mov es:di, al
Where m_lpDest is the address of the surface: byte *m_lpDest; m_iLinePitch is how wide the surface is: int m_iLinePitch; Ok, I KNOW there is some way to access member variables inside a class method with inline asm. I just don''t know how! Plz help. Btw, if it helps, I am using Turbo C++ 3.0. Thanks.
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